"God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean." -Words of the apostle Peter
Acts 10:28b
Yesterday was a "crowded" and "common" Sunday.
I struggled to keep things going in the midst of the "mess." Toddlers, children, teens and adults scattered across our little community room and in the back yard for food, worship, prayer, a teaching about the Holy Spirit and free time. There were pumpkin drawings, candy bags, UNO games. There was also backtalk, kids roaming and climbing and hiding where they shouldn't be, disrespect, vandalism, screaming and physical aggression. There were brand new kids and kids I have seen a million times. And lately? LICE. Yep. (Ever had to make lice-checks and tea-tree oil a part of the check-in process at your church?) Our homes have bugs, rodents, frequent "blackouts" for days at a time...(a cut-off of electricity and/or water) The smells of "dirty" children wearing dirty clothes with holes in them flood into our door along with all of the stories and hurts that drag in with them. They timidly ask me for food to take home on Sundays and I look over at already-emptied shelves and fight off irritation at the asking. "Mama J!" "Yes?" I fill candy bags while kids hover over the counter and a little girl signs names on our giant pumpkin with a sharpie. "Ms. Jessie!" "Pastor Jessie? ""Yes..?" "What?" "Uh-Huh..." "Hold on..." "Can I talk to you about something in private?" "Let me finish this first..." With so many things to do and so many kids and so much need, sometimes I get numb. I get through the day and fight to find the "stop for the one" moments. Like when little "B" (She is 4 or 5 years old, and one of the most neglected, misunderstood but precious little girls I have ever met!) looks at me sitting on the sidewalk with chalk and says "I'm-uh draw you next. What color is you?" I look at her beautiful smile and pass her the yellow chalk. (This is closer to my color than the blue or green alternatives.) Her smile could light up a whole room, but most people will never see it.
But then a volunteer sends me this picture. (Above) This little boy was not "supposed" to be at church without a parent because of his age. He stayed anyway and may have been parented more yesterday than he has been in months. He was held lovingly, prayed over and given a safe lap to sleep on for as long as he needed. (And it was a long time.)
When I opened the word of God this morning, to the book of Acts, it led me to the words of Peter, when God showed him that no one was "common" or "unclean" if they were a follower of Jesus.
Every single son or daughter of God is unique, valuable and CLEAN in the sight of God. We cannot get so busy or so turned off by behaviors or germs or anything else that we miss the most important thing; This is a person that Jesus loves. We are the same in His sight. "You are seen and You are loved" is a phrase our ministry has adopted. We speak it over people, we send it in text messages, we write it on the walls. But sometimes we forget to really believe it. It becomes, like the people we repeat it to, Common.
I am thankful for God's constant reminders to me that it really is so simple. As Mama Heidi Baker has taught us, "Just Love the One in Front of You." First Jesus, then others-one at a time. No face is the same. No story identical. No child un-important.
As you consider praying for us or donating to Village of Hope today, think of Matthew 25, that "as you do it unto the least of these, you do it unto Jesus." Maybe like me, it helps you to think of just one little face or one particular need. We are not a "big organization" but the needs are great for the people we get to love, feed, clothe and disciple. This is not "common" work we do, but precious and important in the eyes of God. Maybe God will ask you to just hold one child or feed one person today, wherever you are, or maybe through giving. Obey with joy. It matters. It matters a lot. That's the beauty of the body of Christ. I may see someone you don't or you may hold a child I never noticed. But when we all love the one together, no one is left behind.
Thank you to all of the quiet heroes who are a part of our ministry in any way. THANK YOU! I want to stop for You. I want to say to all of you who volunteer, donate or pray for us: "You are seen and You are loved."
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